Join YouSayToo and earn more money online

Are you still looking for more ways to earn money online? Aside from paid posts, pay per clicks, and text link ads and other money earning opportunity available online, have you heard of revenue sharing? The first revenue sharing program I’ve tried is on, I added this blog Everything Nice! a year ago and I’m happy with the results. There’s a significant increase in my adsense earnings since then. Maybe because YouSayToo comes out first on Google search sometimes and my blog content lands on the first page of Google. I indicated my Adsense ID in YouSayToo so that every time my content earns clicks, Iget to have a percentage of the earnings from YouSayToo.


You don’t have to worry about writing a whole new content for your blogs, YouSayToo pulls out content from the RSS feed of your blog and they do the rest. It’s a win-win situation, you get to promote your blog to the world, gain more readers and earn more! How cool is that? So sign up now

And like other blog network programs, you get to discover new blogs and news all over the world. Some are funny, interesting, current events and any topic you can think of. You get to discover a new hotel Dubai or HUD apartments for rent. There are many other things you can do at YST, they even have contests from time to time where bloggers can participate and win exciting prizes.


  1. Hello! Thanks for sharing this. Is it really effective? Would you recommend this program? I got really interested when you said that your Adsense earnings increased. Thanks!


    Badet Reply:

    Yes Abbie, I’m quite loyal with Adgitize. Pls. sign up under my referral link. 🙂


  2. Adgitize? I thought its YouSayToo? Anyway, I signed-up on your referral link for YouSayToo. I’m on Adgitize already before I saw your blog. Sayang. 🙂

    Anyway, I admire your blog. Been blogging for years then I lost all my PR when I bought and changed domain. I only had 3 paid review so far. Oh well.


  3. Hi Abbie, sorry, I’m using both Adgitize and YouSayToo kasi 🙂


  4. hmm.. earn money online…
    the subject has been a very charming one and , unfortunately, exploited by bad guys…
    lets face it, 97 out of 100 websites that claims that you can earn money online are truly

    scam.. but five fingers are not equal.. there are good people.. all you have to is to search

    for them, get information as much as you can, keep your self motivated and put your guards

    on when it come to your personal data and always see the light at the end of the tunnel…
    wish you all the best…



  1. badet says:

    shares (Join Yousaytoo and earn money online through revenue sharing)

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