Nursing uniforms: boring no more

I aspired to become a doctor or even just a nurse when I was younger. Come senior high school, I jotted down all the courses I want to take together with their advantages and disadvantages. From that list, I recalled that the reason why I didn’t pursue in the medical field is because I’m afraid of laboratory procedures and too much blood. Aside from that, I always hear my nursing student cousins complain about their uncomfortable medical uniform. They are all dressed in an all-white uniform, and they’re wearing skirts and this nursing cap. So I went on pursuing an engineering course which allowed me to wear comfortable clothes, shirt, jeans and sneakers.

old nurse uniforms

Now, I’m quite surprised to see that nursing uniforms also became more fashionable. Gone are the plain white ones, they are now replaced with colorful printed tops that could pass up as a casual dress too. Since nurses are always at their feet, pants is the way to go for them to move freely.

stylish scrubs

Now, nurse uniforms are no longer boring. In fact, they add cheerfulness inside the white walled hospitals. Aside from that, it also lets the nurses and doctors express their personality and fashion style with their uniforms.

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