Earn money online by reviewing products at Ciao.com

I discovered a new way on how to earn money online. Earning money in the Internet is not just limited to blogging, sponsored posts and online selling after all. You can also earn while writing helpful reviews for particular products, movies, services, etc. Thanks to Ciao.com!

Ciao is a multi-million-strong online community that critically reviews and rates millions of products and services for the benefit of other consumers. Available free of charge to consumers in local language versions in major western European and North American markets, Ciao combines unbiased consumer reviews and up-to-date price information from hundreds of online retailers to make it the most comprehensive source of intelligent shopping on the web. Testimony to Ciao’s success, more than 38 million consumers visit the site every month, making it one of the largest shopping portals in North America and Europe.

Registration is free so you don’t have to worry if this is a scam. It’s very easy, just write about your personal experience and be truthful and honest in what you say because it will also help the consumer community. You can earn money in two ways: by writing reviews and comments and by inviting friends/referrals. A $1.00 earning will be credited to your account for every review or successful referral. What’s even good is that minimum payout is only $5.00 through Paypal. If you want to know more about Ciao, read their FAQs here.

Be part of this wonderful community, join now by clicking the banner below and start making money online:


  1. I already made $10 through Ciao! 🙂


  2. ~*~ Badet ~*~ says

    Hi Mitch. That’s great! I made $6 in just 3 days. I requested for a payout to make sure that they really pay. =)


  3. Tow of my blogger friends already proven that they really do. I withdrawn my earnings by the end of last month. Now let’s see if I’d get it on the 2nd week of this month.


  4. this is good! with testimonials pa of how many you guys have earned.. I’m going to try this one also. Thanks for posting this 🙂


  5. Ciao has stopped awarding upfront payment.
    Now that earning at ciao has become tougher, here’s another great site where you can post your reviews and earn a whopping 2$ per accepted review. The review has to be 200 words long atleast. Plus, there is no limit on what you can review. That’s right, review anything you want. Here’s the link


    A good strategy would be to first submit your review to this site and in the rare case that it gets rejected, you post it on ciao. This way your efforts won’t go futile.


  6. ~*~ Badet ~*~ says

    Hi Kinu, thank you for suggesting Reviewstream. WIll try this one soon under you of course. Yeah, Ciao’s new ruling is disappointing.



  1. […] reviews and reading other people’s feedbacks is another thing. Last year, I wrote about the easy way to earn money on Ciao, and it has gotten a lot of positive feedbacks especially from people whose main objective is to […]

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