How to know if a Leisure 18 Slimming Coffee is authentic or a fake? I’ve seen many sellers claim that what they sell are authentic. This really raised confusion from Leisure 18 coffee users because there are a number of colors of sachets that’s been produced, white, green, purple… But from the start of drinking this coffee, I’ve only known one variant, and that’s the GOLD sachet. My supplier has been consistent with this one, that’s why I don’t want to gamble on other “colored variants”.
Here’s what my supplier has to say on Leisure 18 Slimming Coffee’s authenticity:
How to Determine Authenticity
1. Hologram-printed box with 2 stickers.
2. Gold or white sachets, with or without silver lining.
3. The manufacturing and expiration dates located at the underside of the box should be embossed, not printed/stamped.
4. Product quality seal at the box’s flap.
5. Silica gel inside the box (for the previous batches).There has been a lot of confusion since there are several kinds of Leisure 18 available in the Philippine market. Some misinformation are spread by some sellers either out of ignorance or malice. I’ve been keeping tabs on several international companies that produce and sell Leisure 18 and here’s what I found out:
There are two models/flavors: the sweet version and the herbs & spices version (I’m selling the sweet version). When it comes to the sachet’s appearance, the only ones I see internationally are the gold or white sachets, with or without SILVER lining. These kinds of Leisure 18 are manufactured and distributed by companies that are GMP- AND ISO-CERTIFIED. You don’t get credentials like those if you’re a loser company that sells fake goods, you know.
What about those with green or purple lining? Some trusted importers and sellers express doubt about the authenticity of these kinds, which is why I don’t sell the Leisure 18 with green or purple lining. However, many manufacturers nowadays offer private labeling and customization so it is possible that these green and purple linings are just customizations requested by the importers to be able to identify if a particular item was imported by them or by other importers.