I’m not an expert when it comes to blogging, I don’t even pay attention to my blog’s PR anymore and those SEO-thingamajigs but I just want to share something I discovered. As you have noticed, I stopped updating this blog since December 1 and only resumed the other day. I’m so busy this month and I can’t even do bloghopping anymore. From past experiences, whenever I get inactive in blog posting and blog hopping, my site’s statistics significantly drops. I lose significant amount of visitors on my site, hence, less chances of earning from Adsense.
I get traffic from all forms such as Plurk, forum, Entrecard, blogroll and comments from other blogs. When I stopped doing these since first week of December, I’m quite surprised to receive visitors and an INCREASE on my adsense earnings as well. What I’ve done? I became a member of Adgitize and advertised my site with them. I paid $ 14 for a one-month ad to run on other publishers’ websites and automatically gain exposure and traffic to my site.