Luxe In is the place to buy authentic designer bags in the Philippines. They have an array of designer and luxury brands like Louis Vuitton, Prada, Chanel, Rolex, Gucci, Omega, Pandora and many more. Designer bags, luxury watches, gadgets, and jewelries are now within reach with just a few clicks, thanks to Luxe In’s mobile app.
It’s the country’s first luxury e-commerce mobile app that provides real time notification and update. Buyers can also track their orders anytime and anywhere.
Luxe In is formerly Marketplace.PH, along with the rebranding and launch of its website and app, they also held a 3-day Luxury Sale at The Ark by UnionBank last week. It was heaven to see dozens of designer bags, and watches. At the event, buyers can see, touch, and feel the luxury items they’re eyeing. They have wonderful staff that will assist you. They guarantee the authenticity of each item through the combination of expertise from highly-trained appraisers and state-of-the-art technology such as Entrupy and XRF. They also provide authenticity certificates.
They also sell pre-loved items, if you’re lucky, you can get your dream bag at 70% off!
I gotta try carrying an Hermes Birkin, estimated brand new price is around 755 thousand pesos!!! Since this is preloved, Luxe In offers this for Php 470,000.
For clients who prefer to check the items they wish to purchase up close and personal, they have a showroom at 7/F W Global Center, BGC, Taguig.
Luxe In takes the lead and sets a new benchmark in providing quality service for the authentication, restoration, consignment and sale of luxury goods. Connoisseurs of the finer things will definitely appreciate the fact that, simply put, Luxe In just made the Philippine luxury retail market more vibrant and enticing.