Online ukay-ukay shopping

Online ukay-ukay shopping or thrift shopping became mainstream nowadays. And wearing an ukay clothing is considered cool rather than yucky. I went to a couple of ukay stores scattered around the metro and bought some good finds too. One should be really picky when ukay shopping though… my one really cheapo find is a black off-shoulder top that I wore for the music video we made last Christmas.

I got intrigued with online ukay shopping so I browsed though Multiply stores and one famous site (because it’s already featured on TV) caught my fancy. Most of her clothes are sold out, just minutes the album was posted. The photos are enticing too, clothes can pass up as brand new. So one Sunday evening, I was very excited to have my first bid of ukay clothes, I immediately posted “Buy it now” for this one…

my online ukay find

Nice right? But after receiving it in the mail, my excitement went to disappointment =(. The dress is a little worn out that I expected. And the sequins details in the letters A and O (from the pic) are already falling off. I guess I’m not just lucky on my find because some girls are really raving about their ukay finds from that store. Well, it’s really difficult to find a keeper online. Buying clothes online isn’t my cup of tea because I have an abnormal body proportions, I have to fit the clothes before buying them. ONLINE ukay shopping isn’t for me, but still, YES, to ukay shopping!


  1. i also buy from the only ukay queen…she has nice and wearable ukay finds always. ๐Ÿ™‚
    .-= edelweiza´s last blog ..Join the Unilab Run United for Wellness! =-.


  2. Yeah, her collections are nice but I just have to check the fabric and how worn out the clothes are before buying.
    .-= Badet´s last blog ..Online ukay-ukay shopping =-.


  3. Why is it a disappointment? I think it can help others if you elaborate. ๐Ÿ™‚ Just because everybody else is raving about it, it doesn’t mean there are not so good comments, too.


  4. I still haven’t tried purchasing online.
    .-= puzzle´s last blog ..Charlie Chan Chicken Pasta, Yellow Cab =-.


  5. i also buy ukay clothes. but like what others said here, i do check the cloth and see if the colors have not yet faded and stuff like that.. can we exchange links? if you agree, please drop by at my blog and comment.. thank you so much and more power to your blog. ๐Ÿ™‚
    .-= ticklethythoughts´s last blog ..The World Without Men =-.


  6. i haven’t tried buying ukay clothes in multiply, but I’ve bought several in ebay a few years back. i was happy with the clothes. buy from sellers who post measurements of the clothes. not a lot of multiply ukay sellers bother posting the measurements, maybe you’ll have better luck in ebay.
    .-= Veruca´s last blog ..Ecorre 6-in-1 Korean BB Cream (3-Sachet Pack) – Only P80! =-.


  7. Aww.. I’m so sorry to hear that sis. I do online shopping but these are the things that I will never ever buy from an online shop: clothes and shoes. I need to actually see, feel and touch the clothes’ fabric and I have to try it on. The same is true with shoes. The only thing I buy from online shops are authentic toiletries, cosmetics, and baby bottles because they are much cheaper than when you buy them from the dept store.

    But I love ukay-ukay shopping, especially if Hubby is with me. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Lots of love,
    .-= Golden´s last blog ..Happy Valentine’s Day! =-.


  8. i’m an avid fan of her too! Really unique pieces! Pero madalas ako nauubusan =( Unlike other shops,i think she allows return and exchange for any damage. She allows refund as well sabi sa site niya =)


  9. i love it ๐Ÿ™‚


  10. hi im looking for an imported bed sheet for a large size bed?do u have one? thanks


  11. Hello,

    Ukay Queen is one of our inspirations in starting our own online ukay shop. Like her, and many other girls now, we find it really sweet to get in to that fab outfit without spending so much. ๐Ÿ™‚


  12. yeah, Ukay Queen is one of the pioneers of Ukay online shopping. She has been featured in a magazine, I think.

    You can try browsing Ukay’s Best in FB too.
    All her items are already washed, sanitized and ready to wear.



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