Level up my business

Online shopping in the Philippines has come a long way, from Multiply, online shops have conquered Facebook. But as I’ve said before, I don’t want to make my personal account in Facebook an online circus of some sort. But what I’ve been considering for months now is to buy a domain name for my site and set it up as a stand-alone e-commerce/shop site complete with shopping cart features. I think Philippine market is mature enough for this kind of shopping experience and I know a lot of Philippine-based online sites that are already successful with this kind of set-up.

I already have an existing web hosting for my blogs but I’m afraid that the space/bandwidth won’t be enough to accommodate the existing traffic my Multiply store has. One suggestion is for me to have my own server, but I’m too novice for those technical stuff. Having my own dedicated server might be an advantage for me in the future should I acquire more blogs and online shops but I’m lost with all technical jargons. But I found a great deal in Superb.net with their managed hosting, aside from their managed dedicated servers that I can acquire, it also comes with a 5-in-1 deal which includes managed backup, managed firewalls, OS hardening, patches and updates and proactive monitoring. Looks like a promising plan, right? And if all things became successful, I can even avail of their colocation plans to take care of my server.

Just sharing you some of my hopes on becoming a successful entrepreneur, but in the meantime, do check out the latest collection from Pink Fortune, multi-way bags that are definitely bang for the buck!

Chic Woven Round Bags

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