I heart Pepper Lunch!

Jeff and I left early from work at 2 pm and headed to Ortigas area to meet someone. But before we head to San Miguel Avenue, we were on to our target at the lower basement of Shangri-la Mall, Pepper Lunch! Yes, you read that right, Pepper Lunch opened its second branch aside from Powerplant Mall in Rockwell. We intended not to eat lunch at the office to savor our first taste of Pepper Lunch.

Pepper Lunch in Shangri-la Mall

The store is well-lit and spacious, there were 3 or more group of diners inside Pepper Lunch.We were greeted at the entrance and led us to the counter where we chose our orders. Knowing what to order, from bloggers’ recommendation, we ordered Beef Pepper Rice (Php 235) and Salmon Pepper Rice (Php 312). Each meal comes with drinks but they also have ala carte meals which is a bit cheaper.

A few minutes later, we already heard the sizzling sound and true enough, the Beef Pepper Rice was served. The server offered to mix it for us but we declined because we took photos of it first. It’s piping hot, smoke comes out from the plate and I can smell the peppery taste. I’m starting to feel hungry, soon enough, my Salmon Pepper Rice was served. I am almost tempted not to cook my salmon because I can see that it’s fresh and the salmon is in its most pink color.

Beef Pepper Rice (Php 235)

Salmon Pepper Rice (Php 312)

What’s exciting about Pepper Lunch is you get to cook your own food your way! Make it well-done, medium-rare, it’s your call. “Sizzle it your way!” Season your meat or fish with the honey brown sauce or garlic soy sauce according to your taste. Another secret is to mix it immediately after serving, at the center of the plate, there’s a surprise butter sauce, spread the love all throughout the rice and the veggies. Be careful though, the plate is heated up to 260 degrees Celsius so be careful when mixing.

instructions on how to cook your steak

4 steps to yumminess:
1. You can cook both sides of your steak on the plate as the beef is raw.
2. When the steak is ready, please put a steak sauce (Amakuchi or Karakuchi/Honey Brown Sauce or Garlic Soy Sauce) on it.
3. You can place the cooked steak on vegetables so that it will not be overcooked.
4. You can also cook the vegetables on the plate. Then you can taste it with a steak sauce (Amakuchi or Karakuchi).

I can’t determine what makes my order so delicious…. is it the fresh salmon? the perfectly cooked Japanese rice? the sauce? the patented sizzling plate? or the pepper perhaps? I don’t know, maybe it’s the excitement of preparing your own dish and seeing it transform from uncooked to perfectly cooked. I would give Pepper Lunch a perfect score in the taste department.


As for its price, it may not be that affordable but this is because all of their ingredients are imported. The unique experience also adds to its charm. Another food adventure for a food-lover like me. Check out their menu below:

Pepper Lunch Menu

Pepper Lunch has branches at Power Plant Mall, Rockwell and Shangri-La Plaza Mall.
Website: http://www.pepperlunch.com.ph/


  1. Soapaholic says

    Ito ba yung owned by Cecile van Straten?:) Badet, I got hungry reading your post! Must try this one of these days.:)


  2. Hi Badet,

    Thank you for eating at PL Shang! Your post is so nice, thanks of that!

    We have a 20% off from monday – friday. See it here:


    Happy sizzling!

    Cheers, jeroen

    PS. PL Alabang town center coming end of June


  3. ~*~ Badet ~*~ says

    @soapaholic, Pepper Lunch is definitely a must try sis. Yup, it’s owned by Cecile.

    @Jeroen, wow, thank you for taking time to read my post! And thank you for bringing Pepper Lunch near my place… More power!


  4. Brigitte says

    hi got a sisterhood award for u hope u grab it at http://tr-redhead.blogspot.com/2009/03/sisterhood-award.html


  5. Ron Centeno says

    Hi Badet, was just dropping by. Then I see this! The Beef Pepper Rice looked realy good and you had the heart to show us the empty bowl.:-)

    Now I’m hungry!


  6. chuvaness says

    badet, thanks for this post and letting your readers know we’re open at shang 🙂


  7. oh wow, looks amazing! ^_^


  8. Wow, this is worth a try when I go back for a visit this summer.


  9. earthlingorgeous says

    shocks nagutom naman ako 🙂

    out-of-topic sis tell me about your experience sa pagpapalit ng Havis mo ha para kung may di kanais-nais eh mareport agad, at kung ok naman at least good feedback diba. Thanks!


  10. food looks good…
    we’ll go there pag balik sa pinas…


  11. earthlingorgeous says

    Ay sis, mukhang mahilig kang mag-food trip, try nyo ito: Fish and Co. I was just there last Thursday with other bloggers sayang wala ka.


  12. Soapaholic says

    I tagged you. 🙂


  13. I.LOVE.PEPPER.LUNCH!!! I can’t wait for their ATC branch to open!


  14. Edelweiza says

    it’s so nice of pepper lunch owners to appreciate blog posts about their resto. when i blogged about my pepper lunch experience last year, cecile zamora commented on my post, too.

    sa totoo lang, i really liked their food. nagke-crave na naman nga ako sa curry pepper rice nila..hay…kelan b ko magagawi sa rockwell…hmmm. 🙂


  15. this is one of my fave places in tokyo. cheap and satisfying. they even have a sign that says what other countries have pepper lunch, and of course the philippines is on it 😉

    cpsanti’s last blog post..Taym Pers: On the cover


  16. Thanks for dropping by my blog!

    I love pepper lunch too! My SIL brought us there and since then, we always make it a point to have at least 1 meal there whenever we’re in Manila =) Sarap!


  17. I haven’t tried Pepper Lunch yet, I want to try dining there very very soon, the photos are so drool worthy. 🙂



  1. […] Pepper Lunch fan here! I was quite surprised to see Pepper Lunch in the food court of Silvercord Mall, while here in the Philippines, it’s considered as an upscale resto. But I still ordered our staple, Salmon Pepper Rice for me and Beef Pepper Rice for Jeff. The price in Pepper Lunch Hong Kong is more expensive than here in the Philippines, but the servings are bigger. I see more beef, more salmon, more veggies and more rice on our plates. The taste is similar, still deliciously hot! […]

  2. […] because we were this close to eating at Pepper Lunch but since there were no vacant tables, we proceeded to Watami. One obvious difference from Pepper […]

  3. […] like Gyu Gohan, it’s giving Divisoria shoppers an affordable alternative to Pepper Lunch or Sizzling Pepper Steak. Filed Under: food, restaurants Tagged With: 168 […]

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