After being fascinated with lomography, I finally got myself a Holga camera and loaded it with a fresh Kodak 120 film. So what’s the result? Well, few of my shots were exposed, out of 12 shots, 8 made it to processing. The shots from my first roll failed to wow me, maybe I really suck big time in the creativity department. =( But I’m gonna use my Holga baby on our company outing and I hope to have better results.
I’m a no-fuss type of person that’s why I’m really not a fan of DSLR cameras… the reason why I don’t touch Jeff’s “Nikki” (Nikon D80). I’m happy with my point-and-shoot camera. That’s where my interest for lomo cameras came, just click and wait for your films to be developed. It’s pretty exciting coz you’ll never know the results until you have the film processed. Using different films yields different results such as the color, saturation, light leaks, etc….
I was meaning to take pictures of the kite but I’m too far away