Sale alerts: Canon, Crumpler and MSI-ECS Warehouse sale

The Ber months are here, and Christmas is fast approaching. To be able to avoid the holiday rush, it’s important to start stocking up for gifts as early as now. And it’s a great time to start shopping because almost all stores are on their end-of-season sale and pre-holiday sales.

Canon 3-day Sale, September 9-11, 2011, Tiendesitas:

Up to 70% off on Canon digital cameras.

Canon 3 Day Sale 2011

Crumpler Sale, September 9-18, 2011:

Up to 50%-70% off on all items.

Crumpler Sale 2011

MSI-ECS Warehouse Sale, September 13-16, 2011:

Up to 80% off on Apple, Belkin, Samsung, HP, Dell, Sony, Buffalo, etc. products. This Microwarehouse Sale is definitely worth checking out for all the geeks out there!

Microwarehouse Sale 2011

I promised myself to carefully plan what gift to give this year. Because I wasn’t able to shop to the max last year due to my pregnancy. Planning ahead will also save me more money because I can compare prices since I’m in no hurry. This is also an advice I gave to a friend who is wracking his brains on what will be his 1st christmas gifts for girlfriend.

Whatever it is, just shop wisely and don’t buy anything that you won’t need.


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