Quilted chain bags at SM Department Store

Quilted chain bags are so hot since early this year. But not everyone can afford a Chanel or any other designer handbags with similar styles. I saw a lot of class A Chanel replicas but I want an unbranded one but with the same style. And guess where I found the quilted chain bags I was looking for for months, SM Department Store! SM got it all indeed, I was leisurely checking out the newly renovated department store of SM North Edsa when I saw fabulous clustered chains and quilts screaming in front of me.

Quilted Chain Bags

more quilted chain bags

Quilted chain bags come in a variety of sizes, styles and colors. I like the hobo bag style and the oh-so-girly pink bag in the first photo above. And the price, I bet you won’t mind buying lots because the bags are priced at Php 300-Php 499 only.

To give you an inspiration on how quilted chain bags can make a perfect accessory to your wardrobe, check out these Hollywood celebrities strut their bags…

Blake Lively and Jessica Alba

Hilary Duff

Lauren Conrad


  1. so affordable nga. same price lang sa DV 🙂


  2. i saw three of my officemates having three different chain bags each. gosh! uso pala eto, i’m unaware of it.


  3. SM department stores are always updated with what’s currently in. I usually go there first when I’m getting a new bag.


  4. tinatony001 says

    i love quilted chain bags. i love quilted chain bag i seen on mommywholesale.com .



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