Meet the New SM Woman

Have you ever walked into a store, found the dress you like, but it won’t fit you even if it says free size? Such is the case for most shops nowadays, free size but looks like it can only fit a very petite lady. But don’t worry because SM Woman is changing the game.

sm woman

The new SM Woman caters to all women, plump and skinny, short and tall. Stylish clothing is now more accessible to every woman. I believe that what you wear also helps in boosting your confidence so I like the women empowerment that SM brings. It encourages us to be comfortable with our bodies, and that we can still be confident and wear runway-worthy clothes even if we are far from being model-like.

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The SM Woman Fashion Festival is a 3-day event held at SM Makati. It’s not just a fashion show but also a celebration of what a woman is all about: Driven, Exceptional, Confident, and Strong.

sm woman

Sarah Meier is one Strong woman, but Ialso think she’s driven, confident, strong and exceptional.

sarah meier for sm woman

I attended Day 3 and that day’s theme is Confident and Strong.

sm woman

I was with these gorgeous ladies too, including my Kumare Levy.

noelle de guzman

With my fitness idol Noelle of

sm woman

with Levy and Camille, si P, of #thesoshalnetwork

Before we went shopping, there was a fashion show showcasing the new collection of SM Woman. Watch the video below to have a sneak peek on what’s in store for you.

SM Woman currently houses nine categories, offering something for every modern woman in all stages of her life — SM Woman Career, SM Woman Fashion, SM Woman Prima, SM Woman Denim/Casuals, SM Woman Sleep and Lounge, SM Woman Active, Coco Cabana by SM Woman, Gigi Amore by SM Woman, and SM Woman Plus.

To know more about SM Woman, you may follow SM Woman on Facebook, @smwoman on Instagram, and @_smwoman on Twitter.

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